Ali Abdaal Launches an AI Ghostwriting App

The go-to guy for all things productivity, just dropped a new app called Voicepal—a tool aimed at tackling that all-too-familiar foe: writer’s block.

Ali Abdaal Launches an AI  Ghostwriting App
Voicepal Screenshots from Appstore

The idea is straightforward: record your thoughts, and let the app turn them into something usable. Whether it’s a blog post, a script, or just some rough ideas, Voicepal takes your voice notes and transforms them into content.

After eight months of development with a team of product developers and designers, and testing with 3,000 creators and tech engineers, Voicepal has already seen promising results. The app retained 96% of its users during its first month in beta and had 1,000 users paying around $9 per month, generating $9,000 monthly revenue before its official launch. Now available for free on Apple’s App Store, Voicepal also offers a Pro option for $10 per month.

Airchat, another recent app shared a similar voice-based interactions as their core feature but struggled with long-term user retention despite early adoption and high-profile endorsements, due to the high-effort nature of voice interactions and it raises a cautionary flag for Voicepal. To avoid a similar fate, Voicepal will need to ensure that its voice-to-text feature remains consistently valuable and seamlessly integrates into users' routines, avoiding the pitfalls of novelty wearing off.

I've been using it everyday for the past 6 months as we've been refining it with 1,000+ beta testers.
— Ali Abdaal

Yolk of The Matter

  • Ali Abdaal launches Voicepal to tackle writer's block by transforming voice notes into structured content.
  • How It Works: Users record voice notes, which the app transcribes and enhances, creating content like scripts, blog posts, or LinkedIn updates.
  • Strong Start: Voicepal retained 96% of users during its beta phase, generating $9,000 in monthly revenue from 1,000 users before its official launch.
  • Available Now: The app is now available for free on the Apple App Store, with a Pro option for $10 per month.
  • Bigger Vision: Voicepal is part of Ali’s broader strategy to build a portfolio of ventures, contributing to the growing AI app market.